Kelly D. Crawford, Ph.D.

Click here for a PDF version of my resume


Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
1989 - 1996 The University of Tulsa - Tulsa, OK

Master of Business Administration
2009 - 2011 Oklahoma Christian University - Edmond, OK

Master of Science in Computer Science
1984 - 1986 The University of Tulsa - Tulsa, OK

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
1981 - 1984 Oklahoma State University - Stillwater, OK

Professional Experience

2013: Apple, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA
Senior Developer (Contract Position)

2012 - 2013: ExecuTime Software, Norman, OK
Senior Developer (Contract Position)

2012: University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
Adjunct Professor

2002 - 2012: MSCI/RiskMetrics Norman, OK

Vice President/Senior Developer

2001 - 2002: Teloptica, Richardson, TX

Senior Developer

2001: Ventura Technologies, Plano, TX

Contract Developer

2000 – 2001: Software On Line, Plano, TX

CIO and Vice President, Systems Development

2000 – 2001: Stone Bennett, Carrollton, TX

Contract Developer

1997 – 2000: ARCO Exploration and Production, Plano, TX

Systems Consultant - Computing Technical Research Group

1995 - 1997: Amoco Production Company, Tulsa, OK

Researcher/Systems Analyst

1993 - 1995: Amoco Production Company, Houston, TX

Systems Analyst

1985 - 1993: Amoco Production Company, Tulsa, OK

Research Scientist

1988 - 1993: The University of Tulsa - Tulsa, OK
Adjunct Professor

Environments and Languages


Martin, M., N. G. Grounds, J. K. Antonio, K., Crawford, J. Madden, “Banker’s Deadlock Avoidance Algorithm for Distributed Service-Oriented Architectures”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA '10), sponsor: World Academy of Science and Computer Science Research, Education, and Applications (CSREA), Las Vegas, NV, July 2010.

Marfurt, K., V. Sudhakar, A. Gersztenkorn, K. D. Crawford, S. Nissen, "Coherency Calculations in the Presence of Structural Dip", Geophysics, January, 1999. (PDF)

McCormack, M. D., D. J. MacAllister, K. D. Crawford, R. J. Stoisits, "Applications of Genetic Algorithms in Exploration and Production", The Leading Edge (SEG, Tulsa, OK, 1999). (PDF)

Crawford, K. D., M. D. McCormack, D. J. MacAllister, "Modified Gradient Techniques for Normalized Solution Vectors (A Probabilistic, Learning Bit Climber for Normalized Solution Spaces)", GECCO 1999. (Word 97/Equation 3.0)

Stoisits, R. J., K. D. Crawford, D. J. MacAllister, M. D. McCormack, A. S. Lawal, D. O. Ogbe. "Production Optimization at the Kuparuk River Field Utilizing Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms", SPE paper 52177 (OKC, OK, 1998).

Crawford, K. D., C. Hoelting, R. Wainwright, D. Schoenefeld, "A Study of Fixed-Length Subset Recombination", Foundations of Genetic Algorithms, 1996, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. (PostScript)

Crawford, K. D., R. Wainwright, "Applying Genetic Algorithms to Outlier Detection", Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, San Mateo, CA, 1995, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. (PostScript)

Crawford, K. D., R. Wainwright, D. Vasicek, "Detecting Multiple Outliers in Multiple Dimensions Using Genetic Algorithms", Proceedings of the 1995 ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, ACM Press, 1995. (PostScript)

Crawford, K. D., "Solving the N-Queens Problem Using Genetic Algorithms", Symposium on Applied Computing, March 1992.

Crawford, K. D., "An Analysis of Parallel Sorting Algorithms and Techniques", Abstract published at the ACM Computer Science Conference, 1986.

Technical Reports

Crawford, K. D., "Rutabaga - A Genetic Algorithm Toolkit Library", ARCO Web-based Technical Manual, 1997.

Crawford, K. D., C. Hoelting, K. Marfurt, "2D Texture Analysis: A User’s Guide", Amoco Technical Report, March 1997.

Gersztenkorn, A., K. D. Crawford, "Time-Frequency Eigenstructure Coherence (c4)", Amoco Technical Report, March 1997.

Marfurt, K., V. Sudhakar, A. Gersztenkorn, K. D. Crawford, S. Nissen, "Coherency Calculations in the Presence of Structural Dip", Amoco Technical Report, January, 1997.

Crawford, K. D., R. Wainwright, "Research Question: How does one go about developing a new crossover operator with an a priori expectation of its merit? (A Survey of Crossover Operators for Genetic Algorithms)", Technical Report UTULSA-MCS-96-2, The University of Tulsa, February 1996. (PostScript)

Crawford, K. D., R. Wainwright, D. Vasicek, "Detecting Multiple Outliers in Multiple Dimensions Using Genetic Algorithms", Technical Report UTULSA-MCS-92-4, The University of Tulsa, July 1992 (Also, Amoco Technical Report, presented at an internal Amoco conference, May 1992).

Crawford, K. D., "A Practical Abstraction for Hierarchical Data Structures", Amoco Technical Report, February 1992.

Crawford, K. D., "Mixing Fortran and C Across the Major Platforms at the Tulsa Research Center", Amoco Technical Report, January 1991.

Bennett, C., C. Burstall, K. D. Crawford, R. Hill, "Portable File Manipulation Utilities", Amoco Technical Report, June 1990.

Patents - view at

Michael D. McCormack, Kelly D. Crawford. "Removal of surface-generated multiple seismic energy using a genetic algorithm optimization procedure", 1998 (ARCO - Patent no. 6,154,705).

Richard F. Stoisits, Kelly D. Crawford, Donald J. MacAllister, Michael D. McCormack. "Petroleum Production Optimization Utilizing Adaptive Network and Genetic Algorithm Techniques", 1998 (ARCO - Patent no. 6,236,894).


Awarded for exceptional contribution to the achievement of company objectives through the development and technology transfer of coherency cube technology, 1996.

Awarded for outstanding efforts on an inter-divisional team to produce SAMMIG, an implementation of Kirchhoff seismic migration using a distributed workstation network as a parallel computing environment, 1993.

Awarded for successful implementation of a reservoir engineering simulation system as part of an inter-divisional team (GUI development), 1990.

Professional Activities

Invited speaker and panelist for the technology transfer workshop AI Methodologies in the Oil Industry: Concerns & Rewards, sponsored by The University of Oklahoma, Sarkeys Energy Center, Rock Mechanics Institute, Norman, OK, October 7, 1999. (PowerPoint 97 Slides and Online Presentation)

Member of Program Committee for the Symposium on Applied Computing. Session Chair for technical paper sessions on Genetic Algorithms (1993). Paper reviewer for the Genetic Algorithm track since 1993.

Member of the Program Committee for the 1999 GECCO conference (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference). Paper reviewer for the Real World Applications track.